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发布时间: 2022-11-22

主题:【海外名家讲堂】 “组织行为学和战略管理”高端讲堂系列(三)


How can organizations promote organizations’environmental management via human resource management

主讲人:英国女王大学 任爽(Ren Shuang)教授

主持人:成功彩票 陈扬教授


举办地点:腾讯会议   ID:724 819 843

主办单位:成功彩票 国际交流与合作处 科研处


Ren Shuang (PhD, University of Melbourne) is Professor at Queens University. She is the editor-in-chief of the British Journal of Management, the Best Young Scholar of the year by the Australian and New Zealand Management Society. Her research interest is the interdisciplinary subject of sustainability and human resource management. Her publications have appeared in leading management journals including Personal Psychology, Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior.

任爽,英国管理学会官方期刊British Journal of Management主编,英国女王大学教授,澳大利亚和新西兰管理学会年度最佳青年学者,墨尔本大学博士。主要从事可持续性和人力资源管理交叉学科的研究和教学工作,在Personal Psychology, Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior等国际核心期刊发表了多篇关于绿色人力资源管理、可持续人力资源管理和人力资源管理开发主题的高水平论文。


      This seminar will start with an outline of the evolving Green HRM research, clarifying the conceptualization and meaning of Green HRM. Next, it moves to two research papers that discuss whether it pays for organizations to invest on implementing Green HRM systems in their organizations.
